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Example Appointment Scenario

Example appointment scenario.

If you are new to creating appointments or the ‘Appointments’ functionality in general, let’s just walk through the process to which Clinic-Assist adheres.

Initial booking

An appointment for Fred has been 'pencilled-in' (reserved) by Mike from the admin team since Mike needs to clarify a point of detail. Upon clarification, Mike updates the appointment status to ‘Pending’, which secures the appointment for that date and sends an email notification to Fred. Fred's appointment involves him needing to see a technician, a nurse and finally a Doctor (in that order) for sign-off and for the supply of a certificate.

At the clinic

Fred attends the clinic on time and Mike is on reception. The appointment requires that Fred provides a form of identification which is confirmed by Mike.

Mike then supplies any relevant paper work to Fred and updates the appointment status to 'Booked In'.


Fred returns the completed paper work, which is checked by Mike who then updates the appointment status to 'Ready for Technician'. With this change of status, technician Tim receives a pop-up alert, which he acknowledges and then greets Fred for his first appointment session to be conducted in Room 1.


Clinic process

In Room 1 Tim changes the appointment status to 'With Technician' and conducts the session.

Using Clinic-Assist, Tim records necessary data which are saved to the patient file of Fred. Upon completion, Tim updates the appointment process to 'Ready for Nurse'. Like Tim before; Nurse Nina receives a pop-up alert and greets Fred for the next session in Room 2. Nina then updates the appointment status to 'With Nurse' and continues. Upon completion, the same routine is followed with Fred being seen by Doctor Scott. Doctor Scott completes the screening and provides the necessary certificates for Fred who leaves the clinic a happy patient.

At least Fred left a happy patient! The process described here is one that assumes all clinician types must be seen as part of the appointment. Obviously, patient requirements vary therefor some screenings will be conducted by a single clinician only. If the clinic is a mobile operation, then it may only be a nurse for example. The important thing to remember is that the appointment status is updated accordingly for automation and efficiency.

In Clinic-Assist, every appointment status is assigned a default colour that is customisable by you. This is extremely useful since in the appointment calendar view, the listed appointment will also change colour in real-time according to its status.